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Dragon Age


This costume was mostly leather and armor work.  The tunic was originally a faux leather riding jacket. The sleeves were cut off carefully to keep the pauldrons shape and the left over sleeve material was used to make the bottom of the jacket longer. A second collar, back flaps, and belt loops (for the breastplate) were added. It was then lined with gold trim in the appropriate places, and quill feathers were attached to the shoulders to create the pauldrons. The leggings were bought gaiter leggings with their gold trim painted on by hand. The belt was entirely made from scratch. It was shaped out, stitched and lined on the inside with piping. All of the pouches are boxes covered in leather. The belt buckle was salvaged and attached from an old belt on hand. 

All of the armor was drawn out and stenciled by Darling, before cutting it all from craft foam. It was sealed with mod podge, painted, textured, and shaped into the breastplate, gauntlets, and bracers. Feathers were also added to the bracers. Sylar also sported the red ribbon, and the Hawke crest (made from craft foam, and a stenciled crest) to be the 'romanced' love interest of Hawke. 

Finally, Sylar bore the 'Sword of Mercy' which was made from a wooden dowel supporting insulation foam that had been cut and sanded to shape. It was painted, and the hilt made from foam core. 


While we do not want to hide our mistakes, we want to acknowledge that this cosplay features brownfacing, which we do not condone. Please do not make the same mistakes we did. Do not change you're skin tone for a cosplay if it's a skin tone that infers ethnicity or race.

© 2024 Aicosu Cosplay

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